MOBA Episode Listing
From Podpedia
Awesomenauts[edit | edit source]
Episode | Cast | Description | Winner | Air Date | Link |
Part 1 | Geoff, Jack, Michael, Gavin, Ray, Ryan | Join the entire Achievement Hunter office as Geoff, Jack, Gavin, Ryan, Ray, and Michael go head to head in a 3 on 3 match in Awesomenauts for the Xbox Live Arcade.
It's a total clusterfuck...OF FUN! |
N/A | May 5, 2012 | 1 |
Diablo 3[edit | edit source]
Episode | Cast | Description | Winner | Air Date | Link |
Part 1 | Geoff, Jack, Michael, Ryan | Geoff, Jack, Michael, and Ryan crawl through some mysterious dungeons in the Xbox 360 version of Diablo 3. | N/A | September 18, 2013 | 1 |
HARDCORE Podcast Crew | Ashley, Burnie, Gilby (Adam), Gus | Ashley, Burnie, Gilby and Gus take on Diablo 3 in Hardcore mode. Who will survive the longest? | August 2, 2014 | 2 | |
Hardcore | Geoff, Jack, Michael, Ryan | Geoff, Jack, Michael, and Ryan, inspired by the Podcast Crew, play Diablo 3 on Hardcore mode. | September 18, 2014 | 3 | |
Hardcore Part 2 | Geoff, Jack, Michael, and Ryan continue their fight in Diablo 3 on Hardcore mode. | September 30, 2014 | 4 |
Echo of Soul[edit | edit source]
Episode | Cast | Description | Winner | Air Date | Link |
Echo of Soul | Geoff, Jack, Ryan, Michael, Gavin, Lindsay | The AH crew gather their wits and fly all the way to Germany to play Echo of Soul! | N/A | June 19, 2015 | 1 |
Echo of Soul Part 2 | With their Germany trip at an end, can the Achievement Hunter's finish the journey with the win in an epic boss battle? They must team up, use all their expert skills, and manage to take down the beast before he enrages! Hopes are low... | June 23, 2015 | 2 |
Gauntlet[edit | edit source]
Episode | Cast | Description | Winner | Air Date | Link |
Part 1 | Geoff, Ryan, Michael, Ray, | Geoff, Ryan, Michael, and Ray take a stab at Gauntlet. | N/A | October 7, 2014 | 1 |
Gigantic[edit | edit source]
Episode | Cast | Description | Winner | Air Date | Link |
Gigantic | Bruce, Elyse, James, Lawrence, Adam, Jack, Ryan, Matt B, Jeremy, Michael | It's Achievement Hunter VS Funhaus in this MOBA. The players first faced each other at RTX 2016. This is round two and it's going to be bloody. Thanks to Perfect World Entertainment for sponsoring this video. | Game 1
Achievement Hunter Game 2 Achievement Hunter Game 3 Achievement Hunter |
July 22, 2016 | 1 |
League of Legends[edit | edit source]
Episode | Cast | Description | Winner | Air Date | Link |
Part 1 | Geoff, Jack, Michael, Gavin, Ray, Ryan | AH takes on League of Legends, Team Lads VS Team Gents! | N/A | January 21, 2013 | 1 |
Orcs Must Die: Unchained[edit | edit source]
Episode | Cast | Description | Winner | Air Date | Link |
Orcs Must Die! Unchained | Jack, Michael, Jeremy | Seems like the developers of Orcs Must Die: Unchained have lost any shred of dignity they once had and put Sex Swing's Jamez the Ripher and Tha Schling in their game. Really, there's such a deep cast of Achievement Hunter characters that would have made for way better characters. Why settle for these Funhaus characters when you could be playing as Mogar, Slo Mo Gavin, or Sad Geoff? At least until the devs wise up, we'll settle for these Funhaus kids. These Orcs ain't gonna die themselves, after all. | N/A | March 28, 2017 | 1 |
Smite[edit | edit source]
Episode | Cast | Description | Winner | Air Date | Link |
Part 1 | Geoff, Jack, Michael, Gavin, Ray, Ryan | Geoff, Jack, Ryan, Michael, Gavin, and Ray become gods and enter the combat arena in this week's Let's Play Smite. | N/A | June 26, 2013 | 1 |
Rooster Teeth Inter-Office Smite Tournament Alpha XL | N/A | This is the preview for next week's Rooster Teeth Inter-Office Smite Tournament Alpha XL. Twelve teams will compete for a lavish prize within the RT office and for some massive bragging rights.
Team Lads
Team Gents
Team Fire Ogre
Team Dark Souls
Team A Holes
Team Rainbow Tiger
Team Mates
Team Cranberries
Team Animashown
Team BAM
Team Bungalow Bandits
Team Leftovers
N/A | October 2, 2014 | 2 |
Rooster Teeth Inter-Office SMITE Tournament | Gus, Caleb, Jon, Chelsea, Tom, Mike, Shane, Dustin, Jeff, Blaine, Josh, Cole, Chris, Brandon, Jordan, Adam, Adam, Chris, Kyle, Josh, Patrick, Matt, Kdin, Jeremy | In this video you will see who will advance past the first round into the Elite 8. Starting with our next episode, you will see complete SMITE matches where the best of the best face off for glorious prizes. | Round 1 Team Leftovers
Round 2 Team Rainbow Tiger Round 3 Team Dark Souls Round 4 Team Cranberries |
October 9, 2014 | 3 |
Achievement Hunter Vs The World | Geoff, Jack, Michael, Ray, Ryan | The AH crew have become so good at fighting amongst themselves they've decided to take on THE WORLD! | Achievement Hunter | October 16, 2014 | 4 |
Rooster Teeth Inter-Office SMITE Tournament: Team Lads VS Team Leftovers | Michael, Gavin, Ray, Jon, Gus, Caleb | It's Team Lads Vs Team Leftovers, who will break first in a match between the fan favorites and the underdogs?! | Team Leftovers | October 23, 2014 | 5 |
Rooster Teeth Inter-Office SMITE Tournament: Fire Team Ogre VS Team Rainbow Tiger | Blaine, Josh, Cole, Kerry, Miles, Gray | Fire Team Ogre takes on Team Rainbow Tiger, which of the two teams with incredibly silly names will take the victory? | Team Rainbow Tiger | October 30, 2014 | 6 |
Rooster Teeth Inter-Office SMITE Tournament: Team Dark Souls Vs Team Gents | Geoff, Jack, Ryan, Adam E., Adam B., Chris | Team Dark Souls takes on Team Gents in SMITE! Will it be a clash of the titans or a clash of the kittens? | Team Dark Souls | November 6, 2014 | 7 |
Rooster Teeth Inter-Office SMITE Tournament: Team BAM Vs Team Cranberries | Ashley, Barbara, Meg, Kyle, Josh, Patrick | Team BAM takes on the underdogs Team Cranberries! Will BAM be knocked out? Or will the Cranberries get juiced? | Team Cranberries | November 13, 2014 | 8 |
Rooster Teeth Inter-Office SMITE Tournament: Team Dark Souls VS Team Cranberries | Adam E., Adam B., Chris, Kyle, Josh, Patrick | The overpowered Team Dark Souls takes on the squishy yet lovable Team Cranberries! | Team Dark Souls | November 20, 2014 | 9 |
Rooster Teeth Inter-Office SMITE Tournament: Team Leftovers Vs Team Rainbow Tiger | Jon, Barbara, Caleb, Cole, Blaine, Josh | Team Leftovers are a man down, so it's up to a lovely lady to save them! But will their power combined be enough to topple Team Rainbow Tiger!? | Team Rainbow Tiger | November 27, 2014 | 10 |
Rooster Teeth Inter-Office SMITE Tournament: Team Leftovers Vs Team Cranberries | Jon, Barbara, Caleb, Kyle, Josh, Patrick | Team Leftovers fight Team Cranberries to find out which team is the best of the losers! | Team Leftovers | December 4, 2014 | 11 |
Rooster Teeth Inter-Office SMITE Tournament: Team Dark Souls Vs Team Rainbow Tiger | Blaine, Cole, Josh, Adam B., Adam E., Chris | The final match is here! Team Dark Souls takes on Team Rainbow Tiger in a battle for your eternal souls...and other slightly more important things. | Team Dark Souls | December 11, 2014 | 12 |
AH vs Funhaus | Jack, Cole, Adam B., Caleb, Jon, Chris M., James Willems, Adam Kovic, Joel Rubin, Lawrence Sonntag, Sean Poole, | Achievement Hunter takes on Funhaus in a few 5v5 matches on the battleground of the Gods. SMITE. Which team will prove to be more devastating? Which team will prove to have more skill? But most important... which team will prove to be the most clever? | Game 1
"Achievement Hunter" Game 2 "Achievement Hunter" |
May 15, 2015 | 13 |
SMITE with Dante Basco | Jack, Ryan, Michael, Jeremy, Dante Basco | We're back with more SMITE, this time with our good friend. You know him as Rufio of the Lost Boys, the beloved Firelord Zuko. Ladies and gentlemen... it's Dante Basco. | N/A | May 21, 2016 | 14 |
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II[edit | edit source]
Episode | Cast | Description | Winner | Air Date | Link |
Part 1 | Geoff, Jack, Ryan, Gavin, | Geoff, Jack, Ryan, and Gavin play and immerse themselves in the world of Van Helsing. | N/A | July 1, 2014 | 1 |
Vindictus[edit | edit source]
Episode | Cast | Description | Winner | Air Date | Link |
Vindictus | Geoff, Ryan, Jack, Ray | Geoff, Ryan, Jack, and Ray hop into Vindictus, a free MMO, for some action and adventure! | N/A | December 12, 2014 | 1 |
Achievement Hunter Vindictus Live Stream | Geoff, Jack, Ryan, Michael | Geoff, Jack, Ryan, and Michael sat down to do a live stream of Vindictus! Watch as they attempt to understand high level skills with low level intellect! | July 31, 2015 | 2 | |
Let's Play Vindictus with Funhaus! | Bruce, James, Joel R. | Download & play Vindictus! | August 22, 2015 | 3 |
World of Warcraft[edit | edit source]
Episode | Cast | Description | Winner | Air Date | Link |
Part 1 | Geoff, Gavin, Jack, Michael, Ray, Ryan | Honestly... we never thought we'd play it either. | N/A | Feburary 25, 2013 | 1 |
Part 2 | The Panda Posse returns and rolls out! | March 11, 2013 | 2 |
Wildstar[edit | edit source]
Episode | Cast | Description | Winner | Air Date | Link |
Let's Play | Jack, Michael, Geoff, Jeremy, Ryan | Jack has left everyone behind. Now Geoff, Michael, Ryan and Jeremy must level up to catch up to him. Thanks Wildstar for Sponsoring this video. | N/A | June 30, 2016 | 1 |
Part 2 | Part two of this MMO Series. The guys are finally all together, but there are tons of quests to do. Thanks Wildstar for Sponsoring this video. | July 7, 2016 | 2 |