Destiny Episode Listing

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Destiny[edit | edit source]

Episode Cast Description Winner Air Date Link
Beta Geoff, Michael, Gavin Watch as Geoff, Michael, and Gavin play the beta of "Destiny." N/A July 17, 2014 1
Competitive Multiplayer Jack, Michael, Gavin, Ray, Ryan, Lindsay The AH Crew fight against online players in competitive multiplayer in Destiny. N/A July 23, 2014 2
Part 1 Geoff, Michael, Ray, Geoff, Michael, and Ray finally play Destiny. N/A September 11, 2014 3
The Crucible Geoff, Gavin, Jack, Ryan, Michael, Ray Geoff, Gavin, Jack, Ryan, Michael, and Ray play with competitive multiplayer in Destiny. N/A September 17, 2014 4
The Queen's Wrath Geoff, Ryan, Gavin Geoff, Ryan, and Gavin play "The Queen's Wrath" in Destiny for the Xbox One. N/A September 23, 2014 5
Part 2 Geoff, Michael, Ray Geoff, Michael, and Ray are back playing Destiny in Let's Play - Destiny Part 2. N/A September 25, 2014 6
Raid Attempt 1 Geoff, Gavin, Jack, Ryan, Michael, Ray Watch Geoff, Gavin, Jack, Ryan, Michael, and Ray's first Raid Attempt in Destiny. N/A October 2, 2014 7
Raid Attempt 2 Ray, Jack, Geoff, Ryan, Gavin, and Michael return to the raid in Destiny with better gear and better skills. Will their second attempt be their last? October 9, 2014 8
Raid Attempt 2 Part 2 The AH crew continue their run through the Vault of Glass... but will they be able to finally finish the raid, or is an attempt #3 in the future. October 16, 2014 9
Crota Raid Attempt 1 Geoff, Jack, Ryan, Ray, Jeremy, Caleb Geoff, Jack, Ryan, Ray, Jeremy, and Caleb give the new raid a go in Destiny. Maybe they'll succeed first time? N/A December 18, 2014 10
Crota Raid Attempt 2 Part 1 Geoff, Jack, Ryan, Caleb, Jeremy, Gavin Geoff, Jack, Ryan, Caleb, Jeremy, and Gavin reattempt the 1st DLC raid in Destiny. Can they bring Crota to his knees? January 15, 2015 11
Crota Raid Attempt 2 Part 2 Geoff, Jack, Ryan, Caleb, Jeremy, and Gavin are back facing Crota in the Destiny DLC raid. It all leads up to this. Can they beat him legitimately? January 22, 2015 12
Crota Raid Out Takes Geoff, Jack, Ryan, Caleb, Jeremy, and Gavin managed to take down Crota... but it took them many hours to do so. There were a bunch of jokes that just didn't make the cut for those videos... but don't worry, we saved them and put them together here for you. Enjoy! January 24, 2015 13
Let's Play / Let's Watch: Solo Crota Raid Geoff, Jack, Ryan, Gavin, Jeremy, Andrew Panton Geoff, Jack, Ryan, Gavin, and Jeremy initially try to help Andrew Panton complete the Crota Raid, until finally he decides it's easier to take the challenge on alone. 1 v 1. Panton VS Crota. May 9, 2015 14
House of Wolves Geoff, Jack, Ryan The Gents are back in Destiny, hunting down Fallen from the House of Wolves. Check out their adventure through the newest DLC. N/A May 31, 2015 15
House of Wolves Part 2 The Gents finish up the House of Wolves DLC story missions. Geoff, Ryan, and Jack VS Skolas. Three on one. Is it even fair? Nope. Maybe if Skolas broke his leg... and was a bit under the weather. June 6, 2015 16
Prison of Elders The Elders demand that Geoff, Ryan, and Jack test their skills against five rounds of enemies in the Prison of Elders. Each species is involved, and even a boss. Can they survive and retrieve the exotic weapons that are their reward? N/A June 13, 2015 17
Prison of Elders Level 32 Jack, Ryan, Gavin Comprised of Jack, Ryan, and Gavin, no one in the Prison of Elders is prepared to face the undying, unrelentless, and unstoppable force that is... Team Fffff. June 27, 2015 18
Trials of Osiris Geoff, Jack, Gavin Geoff, Jack, and Gavin prove once and for all that they are a force to be reckoned with. Or maybe they just get killed a lot. Yeah... nevermind... it's definitely more of the second one. N/A July 4, 2015 19
The Taken King Ryan, Gavin, Geoff Join Ryan, Gavin, and Geoff as they embark on a new journey in Destiny. Complete with an ACTUAL STORYLINE! AND CHARACTERS! AND PLOT! Also, Geoff's capture crashed and he has no footage, sorry about that. He fixed it for next time though. N/A September 21, 2015 20
The Taken King Part 2 Geoff, Gavin, and Ryan continue in their daily trip in Destiny: The Taken King! September 22, 2015 21
The Taken King Part 3 Geoff, Gavin, and Ryan take off to Saturn with the new sub-classes for the Titan, Hunter, and Warlock equipped! September 23, 2015 22
The Taken King Part 4 So Ryan, Geoff, and Gavin think they can beat a story mission on "Hard". Care to bet on how long it takes for their collective strength to be smashed into a fine paste? September 24, 2015 23
The Taken King Part 5 Geoff, Ryan, and Gavin attempt to steal a part of Crota's soul. What could possibly go wrong?! September 25, 2015 24
The Taken King Part 6 Geoff, Gavin, and Ryan are the last hope of the Light? Yo, guys, I'm really happy for you, and I'ma let you finish, but my man Oryx has taken entire worlds! You aren't worthy to face him! See you again when it's time for the King’s Fall Raid! September 26, 2015 25
The Taken King - Getting the Black Spindle Michael, Jack, Gavin Achievement Hunter goes on a quest to get one of Destiny's best guns, the Black Spindle. Will they learn to work together in time to get the gun? Or will they crash and burn several times and spend like 5 hours of their lives trying to get a gun in a video game, ultimately realizing they could have been doing so much more with their time? It's probably one of those. N/A October 2, 2015 26
Taken King Elimination Geoff, Gavin, Adam Geoff, Gavin, and Adam go against Destiny's most talented players in the new elimination game type. N/A October 6, 2015 27
King's Fall Raid Part 1 Geoff, Jack, Ryan, Jeremy, Michael, Gavin Geoff, Jack, Ryan, Jeremy, Michael, and Gavin go head-to-head with Oryx. Their mission is to board his ship, track him down, and finally destroy him. Can they do it?! N/A October 14, 2015 28
King's Fall Raid Part 2 Geoff, Jack, Ryan, Michael, Gavin, Andrew Panton Replacing Jeremy with Andrew Panton might be the key to beating the raid and taking Oryx down once and for all. The Warpriest, Golgoroth and Oryx's daughters seem to disagree... October 15, 2015 29
King's Fall Raid Finale This is it. The final stretch. Achievement Hunter vs Oryx. Can their fearless leader, Andrew Panton, help five idiots take down a God? October 16, 2015 30
Sparrow Racing Geoff, Jack, Ryan, Michael, Jeremy, Trevor Geoff, Jack, Ryan, Michael, Jeremy, and Trevor dust off Destiny to play Sonic R mode. Hahaha. Great joke, me. Sonic R had five epic tracks, versus Destiny's two in Sparrow races. It also had what may possibly be the greatest soundtrack in all of gaming.

Livin' in Des-ti-ny You know you have to survive Livin' in Des-ti-ny You're got to keep the dream alive With too many engrams green Exotics pleaaaaaaaaaase

Round 1


Round 2 Jeremy

Round 3 Jeremy

Round 4 Michael

December 16, 2015 31
Rise of Iron Jack, Gavin, Matt Jack, Gavin, and Matt play Destiny while Geoff is off recording Theater Mode. Geoff's going to be so pissed when he comes back. But he said to record something! He just didn't mean Destiny's new DLC: Rise of Iron. N/A September 26, 2016 32
Wrath of the Machine Raid Part 1 Geoff, Gavin, Michael, Jack, Ryan, Jeremy Geoff, Gavin, Michael, Jack, Ryan, and Jeremy are taking on the SIVA transformed Devil Splicers in Destiny Rise of Iron Raid: Wrath of the Machine. Will they be able to work together to defeat Vosik and The Archon Priest, and win all that sweet loot? N/A October 11, 2016 33
Wrath of the Machine Raid Part 2 The Achievement Hunter Boys are ready to keep plowing through Destiny's Wrath of the Machine raid. Vosik, the Archon Priest is a big old pile of dead alien. Now it's time for our favorite guardians to take on the Siege Engine. Also, a fuckton of pits. Honestly, those pits may be even more dangerous than the 100 foot tall death machine. October 13, 2016 34
Wrath of the Machine Raid Part 3 Achievement Hunter faces off against Aksis Prime, the final boss of the Wrath of the Machine Raid. October 20, 2016 35
Wrath of the Machine Raid - Finale Finally, Achievement Hunter takes on Asskiss Prime - er, Aksis Prime - in the fourth and final part of the Wrath of the Machines series. October 25, 2016 36
Destiny: Age of Triumph - AH Live Stream Jack, Jeremy, Ryan, Matt Jack, Jeremy, Ryan, and Matt dust off their Destiny skills in this edited live stream. N/A April 5, 2017 37

Destiny 2[edit | edit source]

Episode Cast Description Winner Air Date Link
Beta: Inverted Spire Strike Geoff, Ryan, Alfredo The world's best guardians, Geoff, Ryan, and special guest Alfredo Diaz, team up to conquer the Inverted Spire Strike in the Destiny 2 Beta.

Eyes up, Guardians. We're sending you into a heavily-guarded Vex spire. The Vex are an alien race, which means they do things kinda like us, but with a perverted alien twist. Their spires are inverted! Your mission is to infiltrate the inverted spire, work your way down to its peak, and take out Protheon, Modular Mind and his series of disappearing floors. Good luck!

N/A July 20, 2017 1
Destiny 2 with Alfredo: AH Live Stream Jack, Jeremy, Ryan, Alfredo It's Jack, Jeremy, Ryan and special guest Alfredo as they play PVP rounds in Destiny 2: Beta. Game 1

Achievement Hunter

Game 2 Online Players

Game 3 Achievement Hunter

Game 4 Achievement Hunter

Game 5 Online Players

Game 6 Achievement Hunter

July 26, 2017 2
Crucible - AH Live Stream Ryan, Jeremy, Michael, Geoff The gang decides to take a shot at Destiny 2's Crucible for an all-out multiplayer brawl full of super abilities, heavy weapons, and loot! Game 1

Achievement Hunter

Game 2 Achievement Hunter

September 13, 2017 3
Leviathan Raid - The First Attempt - AH Live Stream Jeremy, Michael, Jack, Alfredo, Geoff, Ryan Achievement Hunter takes a shot at Destiny 2's Leviathan Raid in search of adventure, glory, and loot! N/A September 20, 2017 4
Campaign: EDZ Geoff, Michael, Jeremy The Guardian boys suit up and head into the European Dead Zone to check out some of Destiny 2's campaign missions and public events. N/A September 21, 2017 5
Leviathan Raid - The Pleasure Gardens (#1) Michael, Jack, Jeremy, Geoff, Alfredo, Ryan The Destiny 2 raid begins! Tensions mount right out of the gate as our heroes enter the Leviathan to search for and defeat Calus. N/A October 10, 2017 6
Leviathan Raid - The Gauntlet (#2) The Destiny 2 raid crew head deeper into the Leviathan. Calus's next task, The Gauntlet, is no easy feat. Will they prove themselves worthy? October 14, 2017 7
Leviathan Raid - Royal Pools (#3) The Destiny 2 raid crew must complete the Royal Pools before facing Emperor Calus. Can our Guardians keep their feet dry and beat the bathers? October 17, 2017 8
Leviathan Raid - Emperor Calus (Finale) In the finale to Destiny 2's Leviathan Raid, tensions rise and friendships fall. Will our heroes defeat Calus, or kill each other instead? October 21, 2017 9