Gotta Get Back in Time (S3-055)

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<infobox> <title source="title"><default>Unknown</default></title> <image source="image"/> <label>imagecaption</label> <label>season</label><default>unknown</default> <label>number</label><default>unknown</default> <label>air date</label><default>Unknown</default> <label>previous</label><default>Unknown</default> <label>next</label><default>Unknown</default> </infobox>

Randus gets his hands on Penelope's Chronometer but can he use it to make it back to his own timeline.

Summary[edit | edit source]

Characters[edit | edit source]

Player Characters[edit | edit source]

  1. Seven-Owls Wise, a Human Monk of Bahamut played by Stephen Schleicher
  2. Randus Duthane, a Human played by Brian Bergdall
  3. Torq - 3/4 Orc Played by Matthew Peterson
  4. GrellDragonborn priest of Erathis played by Rob Rasmussen
  5. Sir Brenzin, The Bold, a Half Elf Paladin in the service of Corellon Played by Matthew Peterson
  6. Orem Rivendorn - Eladrin  Wizard played by Stephen Schleicher
  7. Glaa, a Druid in the service of Melora played by Rob Rasmussen
    1. Ket H'zardHalf Elf Warlock played by Rob Rasmussen

NPCs[edit | edit source]

  1. Relara - Elf Ranger and long time member of the party.

Mentioned[edit | edit source]

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Many listeners find this episode confusing because Penelope's Chronometer creates a section of Time Immemorial around itself like much like the one found in Kord's city. That is how you get a completely different party with a party member that never officially joined.
  2. Relara is base on the Elven ranger that was going to be played by Matthew's wife in the first season but never saw play.
  3. Other than Randus none of the other members of the party remember these events. However these events happen inside the main universe not an alternate universe or vertex.
  4. This is the only episode of Critical Hit which one of the players, plays 3 roles. Rob plays Grell, Glaa, and Ket.

Links[edit | edit source]

Official Post
