RWBY: Grimm Eclipse
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RWBY: Grimm Eclipse is a video game developed by Rooster Teeth Games and Panic Button studios and published by Rooster Teeth. The game is based on the online animated series, RWBY by Monty Oum.
Playable Characters[edit | edit source]
Players can choose to play as Team RWBY (Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna or Yang Xiao Long) in the base game, through the story mode, Team JNPR (Jaune Arc, Nora Valkirye, Pyrrha Nikos and Lie Ren) can be purchased in the Team JNPR DLC.
Availability[edit | edit source]
The game was released on Steam on July 5, 2016 at a cost of $19.99 (£14.99) receiving positive reviews all around. The game was released early by mistake on Playstation 4 in Austrailia and the U.K on December 6, 2016 at a cost of £18.99.
Development Team[edit | edit source]
Rooster Teeth Games[edit | edit source]
- Game Director - Michael Hadwin
- (Original Concept) Animator/FX - Jordan Scott
- Senior Game Engineer - Casey Donellan
- Game Engineers - Jeff Chamberlain & William Vennes
- Senior Game Designers - Abe Robertson
- 3D Artist/Level Designer - Andy Cortez
- 3D/2D Artist - Michael Washburn
- Senior Producer - Andy Messner
- Associate Producer - Brian Reilly
Panic Button[edit | edit source]
- Adam Creighton
- Andy Boggs
- Cody Nicewarner
- Craig Galley
- D. Michael Traub
- Damian Turner
- Dan Dunham
- Jared Spears
- Lonnie Fink
- Samuel Holder
- Seth Alsuleiman
Additional Development[edit | edit source]
- Senior Game Engineer - Stefan Sinclair
- Audio Design - Aaron Brown (Gl33k) & Claytone Productions
- UI Design - Brian Arndt
- Icon Design - Kale Menges
- Compatibility - Testronic Labs & Aspyr Media, Inc.
- Marketing Trailer - Joel Heyman, Alec Agabon, Adam Ellis & Joshua Meehan
- Launch Trailer - Hammer Creative
- Localization - Dark Room Studios