H.I. No. 8: First World YouTuber Problems: Difference between revisions

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→‎Other: Cleaned transcript up to 5:32
(→‎Other: Fixed formatting to match other transcripts by removing bold text)
(→‎Other: Cleaned transcript up to 5:32)
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Brady: Yeah.
Grey: "-and then just edit it so it's at the end, and then the main topic is in the beginning", but I don't- I don't think that works, because in all of our podcasts, when we do the main topic we almost always reference something that was in the follow-up in the beginning, so I don't think you can say, rearrange the conversation in- in post.
Brady: Yeah.
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Brady: It is, it is.
Grey: Uh, presumably they're listening because they still like it, and, I know at least for the podcasts that I listen to, it- it's very much- to me it feels like I get to sit in on a conversation, uh, with people who I would not normally get to sit in on a conversation with. I- I- I like that feeling, and conversations- they have a particular flow, right? When you- when you sit down with your friends, you catch up on- on what's happened since the last time you sat down together, you don't sit down at a table and think "Right, what's my strongest opening story to tell my friends when I sit down. We're gonna lead with a bang, and then later on we'll wrap up with the weather, but right now we gotta lead with the main story." So that's just-
Brady: Yeah,.
Grey: -that's not how friends talk to each other, and you and I are friends and we're- we're sitting down, so I think it's very natural for follow-up to come first.
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Brady: Yes, my- my obsession with them.
Grey: Yes, and I could not believe it, but when I put it up, the very first comment on the Reddit mere minutes after uploading, someone said, and I- I- I- I took a little screenshot here, this guy Thomas said "Yay, excellent timing I'm just about to board a plane, and was regretting that the book-" uh, "was regretting the book I brought with me. Now I have two hours of the podcast to listen to." And then it finished with "You guys are too good to me.", right? Which-
Brady: [chuckles]
Grey: -which was just like the- like a very, very nice comment, but knowing that he was about to go into an episode where we discussed plane crashes for a not trivial amount of time, uh, I just couldn't believe the coincidence that happened there, that the very first comment was exactly the thing that we were- we were suggesting, uh, might occur. So anyway,-
Brady: The best thing about that was, like, in the podcast you made that joke, too, about someone on a plane listening to it, and then you like spoke directly to them for a joke and you said "I hope you're enjoying this, Tim",-
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Brady: It was so close to being- Wow.
Grey: Yeah it would- it would have been, uh, it would have been just perfect. Um, but anyway, so, there's fun- fun things that happen on- on the Reddit, and again I just want to say, I think it's- it's a- it's a really great community and- and we were discussing, uh, before recording now that there's a lot of activity there and- and it's great and I really do look over the discussion, so uh, anytime you want to talk about whatever we discuss on the podcast, uh, the Reddit is a great place to go and there will be a link in the shownotes to whatever-, uh, whatever the link is for this episode, so I'll put that there.
Brady: didDid we hear back from Tom after his floodflight?
Brady: did we hear back from Tom after his flood
Grey: yeah he was he was actually okay we did not cause him a lot of anxiety but when he landed on the other end he said that he enjoyed it and so I'm glad that we did not give him a panic attack on the fly or you did not give him a panic attack on the flight really I would say that's mostly your fault
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