User blog:LazarouDave/Massive Information Source!

From Podpedia

So...i'll keep this short.

While looking at the Rooster Teeth Subreddit, i spotted a tab titled "Wiki"...of course i clicked it to see what it was...and it's basically a gold mine of information, so if we're looking to improve the quality of the articles and have any information that is missing or unknown, check this link for detailed spreadsheets involving Show dates, names, appearances (in mass detail), among many other stats, for Minecraft vids, Podcast & IB attendances, Horse/ know what, look at it yourself, whoever compiled this, massive kudos to them.



So this stuff is actually really out of date now i've looked in detail, some of it is up to date, but a fair amount of it is stuck in 2014 because people stopped updating it...still, it's a decent source