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So...uhh, intro...yeah

Rooster Teeth fan since 2012, if i could travel back in time, i'd tell young(er) me - trust me, this shit is great, get into it...but that's not a thing, so...i'll just accept that i'm pretty much a latecomer

Really not sure why i put off watching Red vs Blue and RWBY for so long (see the derogatory statement in the previous sentence)

Me after finishing each Volume of RWBY: 

Volume 1 - Alright, i could really get into this show.

Volume 2 - I had a hunch the protagonists would pull through.


Volume 4 - Well that was a relief, so gla....YOU MOTHERFUCKERS, WHAT IS WITH YOU AND CLIFFHANGERS?!

Volume 5 - IT HAPPENED! We got a volume finale that felt good AND without any cliffhangers - The wrtiting really IS improving.

File:King Gus.jpg This user is an Administrator on the Rooster Teeth Wiki

Favourites[edit | edit source]

Red vs Blue seasons (In order):[edit | edit source]

  1. Project Freelancer 2 (Season 10)
  2. Chorus Trilogy 3 (Season 13)
  3. Revelation (Season 8)
  4. Project Freelancer 1 (Season 9)
  5. Recreation (Season 7)
  6. Chorus Trilogy 2 (Season 12)
  7. Chorus Trilogy 1 (Season 11)
  8. Reconstruction (Season 6)
  9. Nicolosi Season I (Unsure of Title) (Season 15)
  10. Blood Gulch Chronicles V (Season 5)
  11. Anthology 1 (Season 14)
  12. Blood Gulch Chronicles I (Season 1)
  13. Blood Gulch Chronicles III (Season 3)
  14. Blood Gulch Chronicles IV (Season 4)
  15. Blood Gulch Chronicles II (Season 2)

(FTR: Of course I've liked EVERY season of RvB - it's just a matter of which one that had the most memorable moments from - and somehow, the BGC never really struck me, that said, it IS fucking hilarious, naturally)

Top 10 Songs on Red vs Blue Soundtracks:[edit | edit source]

  1. Mental Meta Metal
  2. On Your Knees
  3. Now That We've Come So Far
  4. Contact
  5. Fatum Iustum Stultorum I & II
  6. Half Life
  7. Spiral
  8. Agent Tex
  9. Red Vs. Blue
  10. Fragments

RWBY Volume: [edit | edit source]

  1. Volume 5
  2. Volume 3
  3. Volume 4
  4. Volume 2
  5. Volume 1

Top 10 Songs on RWBY Soundtracks[edit | edit source]

  1. Sacrifice
  2. Bad Luck Charm
  3. Lusus Naturae
  4. Armed and Ready
  5. Home
  6. Divide
  7. Cold
  8. Time to Say Goodbye
  9. Red Like Roses - Part II
  10. Die

Top 5 RT Shorts:[edit | edit source]

  1. Paper Cut
  2. Scissors
  3. Twelve Days of Rooster Teeth
  4. Noted to Death
  5. Stage 5 Facility Tour

Top 5 Immersion:[edit | edit source]

  1. Simulation Racer
  2. Metal Gear Solid (Both pairs)
  3. Five Nights (Both pairs)
  4. Fallout 4
  5. Split Screen

Top 10 On The Spot:[edit | edit source]

  1. Jack and Joel Vs. Geoff and Gavin (Episode 10)
  2. A Horde of Orgasms (Episode 99)
  3. How to Accept an Oscar (Episode 51)
  4. The Motorboat Incident (Episode 66)
  5. My Bag of Emotions (Episode 22)
  6. Need That Elephant Seed (Episide 61)
  7. The Load Bearing Stripper Pole (Episode 27)
  8. Dracula Fights Werewolf (Episode 113)
  9. I Don't Have A Problem! (Episode 74)
  10. Party Time with Satan's Prophets (Episode 54)

Favourite Play Pals: [edit | edit source]

Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator

Favourite Episode of The Gauntlet:[edit | edit source]

Series 2 Episode 2 - The Interviews

Top 5 RTAAs:[edit | edit source]

  1. Burnie & The Name Game
  2. Sticks and Flowers
  3. Construction Conspiracy
  4. Headlight Fluid
  5. Joel vs Technology

Favourite RT People:[edit | edit source]

All of them - why would i single out anyone when they all do so much fantastic work?! Of course if i had to pick one, it would be Monty, i know it seems cliche, but look at how hard he worked, the time and effort he put into the projects he was involved in is what put it where it is today, he changed RvB, created RWBY and just made everything i watch today so entertaining, a legacy continued by those he worked so close with.