List of Harry Potter podcasts: Difference between revisions

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This page lists podcasts about the book and film series Harry Potter.


  • The Chapter Titles Were So Good
  • Unspoiled: Harry Potter


  • MuggleCast
  • PotterCast

Fantastic Beasts

  • SpeakBeasty


  • Alohomora!
  • Harry Potter Book Club
  • Weird Sisters
  • Yer a Wizard, Harry


  • #WizardTeam: A Harry Potter Podcast
  • A Tale of Two Siblings: Harry Potter Edition
  • AlleyCast
  • Astronomy Tower Hour
  • By The Muggles - For the Muggles
  • Dumbledore's Army Podcast
  • Dumbledores Army
  • Dumbledores Studies
  • dvmbcast
  • Emma Watson Empire Podcast
  • EnchantedCast
  • Fangirlin
  • Felixcast
  • FictionCast
  • FilkCast: Potter Style
  • Flipendo
  • FlooCast
  • Harmony Podcast
  • Harry Pony!
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
  • Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince Podcast
  • Harry Potter and the Sacred Text
  • Harry Potter Minute
  • Harry Potter News Podcast
  • Harry Potter Prognostications
  • Harry Potter Rocks
  • Hog's Head Pubcast
  • Hogwarts Confidential
  • Hogwarts Radio
  • Hogwarts Unity
  • HoverCast
  • hp detectives
  • HP Dorkcast
  • HP Horcast
  • HpCast
  • HPTheorems
  • Imaginary Worlds
  • iMuggle
  • iPensieve
  • Leaky Fan Cast
  • LeakyMug
  • Marauding the Map
  • MCFCC: The MuggleCast FanChat Cast
  • Mischief Managed
  • Misti
  • Morsmordre
  • Mortified
  • Mugglenet Academia
  • NewtCast
  • Overflowing Pensieves
  • OwlCast
  • pheonixXcast
  • PhoenixCast
  • Potter Phreak
  • PotterFicWeekly
  • Potterless
  • Potterotica
  • PotterPress
  • PotterWatch
  • Quaffle Talk
  • QuibbleCast
  • Radio Patrono
  • Remembrall Live
  • RowlingCast
  • Scholastic Harry Potter Podcast
  • Slashcast
  • Snapecast
  • SnitchSeeker Weekly
  • Speaking Harry Potter Every Week
  • SpellCast
  • Spinner's End
  • SpinnersCast
  • SquibCast
  • Swish and Flick: A Harry Potter Podcast
  • Sword of Gryffindor :: Hog's Head PubCast
  • The Boy Who Hasn't Lived
  • The DA-Cast
  • The Daily Prophet: Muggle Edition
  • The Daily Quibbler On Air
  • The Girls Who Lived
  • The Petulant Podcast
  • The Podcast That Must Not Be Named!
  • The Potter Report
  • The Quidditch Pitch
  • The Sorting Podcast
  • The Secrets of Harry Potter
  • The Sorting Hat
  • The Witching Hour
  • The WRock Club Recordings
  • On Air
  • There and Back to Hogwarts
  • TheSnitch.Co.Uk Pod Cast
  • VeelaCast
  • WeasleyCast
  • Witch, Please
  • Wizard Cast: A Potter Podcast
  • Wizard News Radio
  • WizardCast
  • Wizarding Wireless
  • Wizards Wireless