A Party Divided
> Home > Episodes <infobox> <title source="title"><default>Unknown</default></title> <image source="image"/> <label>imagecaption</label> <label>season</label><default>unknown</default> <label>number</label><default>unknown</default> <label>air date</label><default>Unknown</default> <label>previous</label><default>Unknown</default> <label>next</label><default>Unknown</default> </infobox> On this brand new episode of Sneak Attack!, the group must decide how to proceed after getting separated from each other right before a large band of Pineapoleans arrived to join their leader, James. Would Akio, Brenna, and Sherwood face unspeakable odds to rescue their dwarf companion, or would Greaek's fate be left to the whims of the crazy pineapples?