
From Podpedia
Revision as of 19:31, 3 September 2023 by Sennas (talk | contribs) (Created page with "===Remove Portal=== Recommend not having a portal for this podcast. I don't think there's enough content to warrant it, having only ran for 5 episodes (including a "Welcome" ep and an "Update" ep), none of which appear to still be available on podcatchers. The host does still have an active Youtube channel that contains the three gaming episodes. This should all be able to be covered in one page.")
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Remove Portal

Recommend not having a portal for this podcast. I don't think there's enough content to warrant it, having only ran for 5 episodes (including a "Welcome" ep and an "Update" ep), none of which appear to still be available on podcatchers. The host does still have an active Youtube channel that contains the three gaming episodes. This should all be able to be covered in one page.