To the Statue

Revision as of 12:04, 25 January 2018 by CoolieCoolster (talk | contribs) (1 revision imported)

> Home > Episodes <infobox> <title source="title"><default>Unknown</default></title> <image source="image"/> <label>imagecaption</label> <label>season</label><default>unknown</default> <label>number</label><default>unknown</default> <label>air date</label><default>Unknown</default> <label>previous</label><default>Unknown</default> <label>next</label><default>Unknown</default> </infobox> On this week's episode of Sneak Attack!, the gang leaves the Resistance hideout, determined to uncover the mysteries behind the locked door at the base of the statue of Valisaar. Would they find the answers they seek, or would it only reveal new questions?