H.I. No. 4: Feedback on Feedback: Difference between revisions

→‎Other: Cleaned transcript up to 15:18
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Brady: You might have to refine it.
Grey: Yeah, I figure you know, well, you know, to- productivity is probably a thing we're going to come back to at some point, so don't- I don't really want headsto welldwell on it.
Brady: Yeah.
Grey: Um, but my--
Brady: Yeah, like in episode ten, it will be doing, like, the eight light bulbs. [chuckles]
Grey: Yes. Yeah, maybe. Um, but I- I just want to say that my- my- my favorite [laughing] piece of feedback came from Henry, he of the MinutePhysics fame, and Henry just sent me a little email and all it said was "I think you forgot that light bulbs can be wired in parallel". Um, which--
Brady: [clicks tongue]
Grey: --is like a- a devastating remark to make to someone who has taught physics.
Brady: [chuckles]
Grey: Um, it's like, yes, I totally understand that this analogy does not work for, like, a straight up "I actually have a battery and I actually need [laughing] to light up some light bulbs".
Brady 11:02
Yeah, like in Episode 10, it will be doing like the eight light bulbs.
Brady: That is a very Henry comment though, isn't it, like? [chuckles]
Grey 11:06
Yes. But I just want to say that my, my, my favorite piece of feedback came from Henry, he of the minutephysics fame. And he just sent me a little email. And all it said was, I think you forgot that light bulbs can be wired in parallel, which is like a devastating remark to make to someone who has taught physics. It's like, Yes, I totally understand that this analogy does not work for like a straight up. I actually have a battery and I actually light up some light bulbs.
Grey: Yeah. And- and the very Henry thing is, I'm going to now just to fully embarrass him as well, is, later on, uh, actually it was just today, but it was- it was a couple days later, he wrote me a- a much more in-depth email about how the analogy also fails because I should really be thinking about it in terms of electromotive force and the voltage and the resistance in the individual light bulbs,--
Brady 11:38
That is a very Henry comment now, isn't it?
Brady: Hmm.
Grey 11:41
Yeah. And and the very Only thing is I'm going now just to fully embarrass him as well is later on actually was just today, but it was it was a couple days later, he wrote me a much more in depth email about how the analogy also fails because I should really be thinking about it in terms of electromotive force and the voltage and the resistance in the end. Individual light bulbs. And so he was he was really thinking that went through to its absolute conclusion. Yeah, yeah. But But he was no he was doing the advanced version of what I saw many people in the in the comment thread talking about, which is that there are lots of problems with that analogy, and I will, I will fully, I will fully admit to some of those that I still think my my core idea of the trade off still holds, but like
Grey: --um, and so he was- he was really thinking that one through to its absolute conclusion. Uh,--
Brady 12:25
I said, Isn't the latest minutephysics video that just went up in the last day or two about light bulbs?
Brady: Yeah, yeah.
Grey 12:30
Oh, I don't know. It is embarrassing. I don't know.
Grey: But- but he- Henry was doing the advanced version of what I saw many people in the- in the, uh, comment thread talking about, which is that, uh, there are lots of problems with that analogy, and I will- I will, uh, I will fully- I will fully, uh, admit to some of those, though I still think my- my core idea of the trade off still holds, but like I said--
Brady 12:33
I think he may have inspired him. I know you've been you've been in a cave and not looking. But I think his latest video is about light bulbs, I have to check that I could be wrong.
Brady: Isn't- isn't the latest MinutePhysics video that just went up in the last day or two about light bulbs?
Unknown Speaker 12:41
Grey: Oh, I don't know, to be honest--
Brady 12:42
my favorite comment in relation to you know, and picking the argument or discussing the the merits of the light bulb analogy was someone who pointed out that if you improve aspects of your life, like your health, for example, that actually increases the power of you motor that you do other things with your other light bulbs, which is something we never discussed.
Brady: I think it is. I think- I think--
Grey 13:04
Yes, yes. And I saw a couple comments like that. And I, I totally agree with that as well. Right. It was interesting. And and I think there was also something to be said that, that people just have kind of intrinsically more or less powerful motors than each other in this analogy, right. Yeah. And, you know, it's, that's why I always look at you, and you, from my perspective, are just this incredible YouTube work machine. And I think like, boy, I do not have the same kind of wattage output that you seem to have. And, but
Grey: This is embarrassing, I don't know.
Brady 13:36
but that one, if you came and watch me work for a day, you would think differently.
Brady: --I think you may have inspired him. I know you've been in a--
Grey 13:40
I'm not so sure about that. But But I did. I did agree with those comments, right that and I was sort of working towards it at the end of the podcast that at a certain level, you know, you can invest more into one area and then get more out in total. But I do think there are situations in which that's that's very hard to do. But yeah, obviously If your if your health is at its peak, you are able to accomplish much more and all of the other areas. And and the reverse of course is is not true as well. So yeah, did Mrs. CGP Grey listened to the podcast? She has at this point, she has listened to the first two. But she has not yet listened to the third one. See, that's the one I want her
Grey: [chuckles]
Unknown Speaker 14:21
to listen to.
Brady: --you've been in a cave and not looking at- but I think his latest video is about light bulbs. I have to check that I could be wrong.
Grey 14:22
I know, I know. I mentioned her in that one. And I tried to prod her a little bit, but I was like, Oh, you know, I mentioned you in the third one. But she has been she's been very busy with some other projects at this point. So she will listen to it at some point but has not yet at this stage.
Grey: All right.
Brady 14:35
Well, let me tell you, Mrs. Periodic Videos or number file or whatever I'm supposed to call my much better half. did listen to Episode Three. We went for a drive that by coincidence coincided with the exact length of the podcast. So I said, let me play this. So we played it for the drive. I was at a silence throughout. I think the I think the only time She spoke during it was, at one point, admiring Mrs. Graves, patients put a patient with us. But she, I think that was during the time when you were talking about how you completely blank her for three days when you're putting a video out. has just happened. Yeah, yeah. Yes. But and then and then amazingly, it just finishes we got to the car park where we were going to which was nice timing. And so we pulled up and I sort of turned to her and said, What do you think? What do you think about that? The main thing that came across was that she she would quite like to sit down with you and discuss a few of the items in a positive way. But you know, because she's into all that stuff. You're into, like workflows and sleep patterns and things like that. But fundamentally, I think she she disagreed with your thesis. And her best argument, which she didn't really make, but she didn't need to make against your argument was her herself. She's She's just sort of sitting And, and we're talking here about how you can't do all four things at once, right? And then I kind of I look at her and she works really hard in a really demanding job. And she's like me, you know, she's got this amazing job. And she gives so much that she always every day makes time for her friends and rings them and talks to them. She's a brilliant family person and talks to her mom and dad all the time and takes great care of me. She's incredibly healthy and goes to the gym all the time and a personal trainer every week, and she watches what she eats and she always looks amazing. And she does all these things like to the maximum and then she's just been spending an hour listening to you and I grumble about her or I can't eat healthy and do my job. And I think I think she embodiment of the argument against us. So
Brady: The, um, my favorite comment in relation to, you know, unpicking the argument or discussing the- the merits of the light bulb analogy was someone who pointed out that if you improve aspects of your life, like your health, for example,--
Grey: Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
Brady: --that actually increases the power of your motor and lets you do other things with your other light bulbs, which is something we never discussed.
Grey: Yes, yes. And I- I- I saw, um, a couple comments like that. And- and I- I totally agree with that as well.
Brady: Yeah, that was- that was interesting.
Grey: Um, and- and, uh, I think there is also something to just be said that- that people just have kind of intrinsically more or- or less powerful motors than--
Brady: Yeah.
Grey: --each other in this analogy, right?
Brady: Yeah.
Grey: And, you know, so that's why I always look at you, and you, from my perspective, are just this incredible YouTube work machine, and I think like "boy, I do not have the same kind of wattage output that you seem to have", and, uh,--
Brady: Aw, man--
Grey: --um, but--
Brady: --you've got now idea.
Grey: --but the health one--
Brady:--if you came and watched me work for a day, you would think differently.
Grey: I'm not so sure about that, but, um--
Brady: Yeah.
Grey: But I did-- I did agree with those comments, right? That- and I was sort of working towards it at the end of the podcast that, at a certain level, you know, you can invest more into one area and then- and then get more out in total, um, but I do think there are situations in which that's- that's very hard to do. But yeah, obviously, um, if your- if your health is at its peak, you are able to accomplish much more in all of the other areas. Uh, and- and the reverse of course is- is not true as well. Um, so yeah.
Brady: Did Mrs. C.G.P. Grey listen to the podcast?
Grey: Uh, she has at this point, she has listened to the first two, uh, but she has not yet listened to the third one.
Brady: Ah, see that's the one I want her to listen to.
Grey: I know, I know, and so I- I mentioned her in that one, and I tried to prod her a little bit, by I was like, "Oh, you know, I mentioned you in the third one". Um, but she has been, uh, she's been very busy with some other projects at this point. So, um, she will listen to it at some point but has not yet at this stage.
Brady: Well, let me tell you,--
Grey: Mm-hmm.
Brady: --Mrs. Periodic Videos or Numberphile or whatever I'm supposed to call my much better half,--
Grey: Mm-hmm.
Brady: --did listen to episode three.
Grey: Mm-hmm.
Brady: We went for a drive that, by coincidence, coincided with the exact length of the podcast. So I said, "let me play this". So we played it for the drive.
Grey: Mm-hmm.
Brady: It was utter silence, throughout. I think the- I think the only time she spoke during it was, at one point, admiring Mrs. Grey's pa-patience,--
Grey: [chuckles]
Brady: --what a patient she must be.
Grey: She is.
Brady: I think- I think that was during the time when you were talking about how you completely blank her for three days when you're putting a video out.
Grey: Mm-hmm.
has just happened. Yeah, yeah. Yes. But and then and then amazingly, it just finishes we got to the car park where we were going to which was nice timing. And so we pulled up and I sort of turned to her and said, What do you think? What do you think about that? The main thing that came across was that she she would quite like to sit down with you and discuss a few of the items in a positive way. But you know, because she's into all that stuff. You're into, like workflows and sleep patterns and things like that. But fundamentally, I think she she disagreed with your thesis. And her best argument, which she didn't really make, but she didn't need to make against your argument was her herself. She's She's just sort of sitting And, and we're talking here about how you can't do all four things at once, right? And then I kind of I look at her and she works really hard in a really demanding job. And she's like me, you know, she's got this amazing job. And she gives so much that she always every day makes time for her friends and rings them and talks to them. She's a brilliant family person and talks to her mom and dad all the time and takes great care of me. She's incredibly healthy and goes to the gym all the time and a personal trainer every week, and she watches what she eats and she always looks amazing. And she does all these things like to the maximum and then she's just been spending an hour listening to you and I grumble about her or I can't eat healthy and do my job. And I think I think she embodiment of the argument against us. So
Grey 16:57