H.H.A. No. 14: Friday the 13th Pt. 1

This is the fourteenth episode of Hallow-Holics Anonymous, originally hosted on Podomatic before it was transferred to Libsyn.

We've made it guys! 31 straight days of posts, ranging from films to fun, books to bogeys, and everything in-between. Since you've been such fantastic followers, I think it's about time I host another episode of the Hallowholics Anonymous podcast! This episode will be all about the first 7 films of Friday the 13th, hosted with none other than Jazlaan himself. So sit back, enjoy, hide the machete from your neighbor...and have a happy Halloween! (Originally aired 10/30/15)
- Excerpt from episode summary.

This retrospective of the Friday the 13th series, as of 03/25/2019 remains incomplete.